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From Past Ceremonies

I'm honestly speechless, it's hard to put into words how profound this experience was for me because I don't think any words I use can accurately describe how it felt to me.  All I can say is that if you're wondering if you should try it, then I 1000% say yes!

Wanda Tate

I have been looking for a place to experience magic mushrooms so that I wouldn't have to be alone in trying them and I feel so lucky to have found HHC!  Stacy was so kind and made me feel so at peace during my experience.  I can't wait to come back for another ceremony!

Douglas Shepherd

I want to leave a review because this was such a powerful healing experience for me!  I have struggled with alcohol addiction for more years than I care to admit and I am proud to say that since I have come to HHC I have been sober for 3 months and I know that that may not seem like a long time to many people but for me this is a life changing amount of time and I am so excited to continue my sobriety and my healing journey!


Healing Stones


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